Water Supply Planning Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 8, 2011



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10 am in the District’s conference room.


Committee members present:      Bob Brower, Chair

                                                     Regina Doyle

                                                     David Pendergrass


Staff members present:                David Stoldt, General Manager

                                                     Larry Hampson, Senior Water Resources Engineer

                                                     Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager      

                                                     Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:             David Laredo


Comments from the Public

No comments.


Discussion Items

1.         Discuss Follow-up from August 25, 2011 Workshop on Water Supply Planning Alternatives

Deferred to next committee meeting.


Action Items

2.         Consider Adoption of Recommendation to the Board Regarding Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Development of DeepWater Desal Project in Moss Landing

            On a motion by Director Brower, the committee agreed unanimously that Counsel Laredo and General Manager Stoldt should review the Memorandum of Understanding proposed by DeepWater Desal and submit a modified version for committee review that includes an exit provision and a process for dispute resolution.


Progress Reports

3.         Identify Key Issues and Needs Related to Cooperative Development of a Seawater Desalination Project at the Abandoned City of Monterey Wastewater Treatment Plant (Water Project 3, Local Desal within District Boundaries)

            The committee discussed the need to develop an implementation plan for this project that would analyze desalination project options and address open ocean intake and discharge, brine discharge underground and energy needs.  Staff would assess the cost to contract for assistance with development of the implementation plan.


4.         Feasibility of Moving Additional Water from Carmel Valley to Water Projects 1 and 2

            The committee agreed that this project would benefit Phase 3 ASR, and that the District’s focus should be on communication with the property owners to determine their interest in  cooperating on development of the proposed pipeline.  Staff will proceed with determining relevant parcels and other details that can be presented to the Board at a future date.


5.         Development of Recycled Wastewater Alternatives

            Mr. Hampson reported that the Carmel Area Wastewater District is making progress on a plan to provide treated water from the treatment plant to the Carmel River Lagoon.  This project would provide less than 1 acre-foot of water per day to the Lagoon, but has the potential to improve water quality and volume during the summer months. 


            Mr. Stoldt noted that he will continue discussions with Keith Israel, General Manager of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency, regarding development of a Memorandum of Understanding on formation of a Joint Powers Authority to facilitate construction of the proposed Groundwater Replenishment Project.


6.         Activity Related to Water Projects 1 (Underground Storage) and 2 (Expanded Storage)        

Mr. Oliver reported that the electrical building at the Water Project 1 site should be operational by December 1, 2011.  At the Water Project 2 site, a pump, motor and control panel for the first well are being installed.  Construction of a temporary aboveground backflush pit must be approved by the Fort Ord Reuse Authority before the project can be operational.


            Craig Anthony, General Manager of the Monterey Division, California American Water, addressed the committee during the public comment period on this item.  He stated that there are no water rights associated with the transport of water from the Carmel River to a second aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well at the Seaside Middle School Site.  He noted that representatives from NOAA Fisheries and the Carmel River Steelhead Association have told him that they would oppose the diversion of additional flows from Carmel River for ASR.


Informational Items

7.         District Staff Summary of August 4, 2011 Cal-Am Presentation on Carmel River Operations Post Desal (Regional Water Project)

            No discussion occurred on this item.


Other Items

No discussion.



Set Date for Next Committee Meeting

The committee members agreed to meet on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 1 pm in the District office.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 am.





