Implementation Plan
Water Project 2
Phase 2 Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Work Plan Tasks
Task 1: Prepare Permanent Project Specifications
Project specifications to be developed internally, with outside engineering support (Board 11/21 meeting), for use by CEQA consultant to prepare scope of services proposal and fee estimate. Receive proposals from CEQA consultant and bring to Board for January 2012 approval.
Budget: internal, plus budgeted outside engineering support $396,000
Timeline: 1 month (Dec 2011)
Task 2: Develop Detailed Project Description
Internal staff will finalize the formal detailed project description, including site layout, maps, pipelines and alignments, and connections to Cal-Am and PG&E. Staff will coordinate with CEQA consultant for incorporation into CEQA document. Updated project cost estimates will be prepared.
Budget: internal
Timeline: 3 months (Dec 2011 Feb 2012)
Task 3: Prepare/Approve Relevant CEQA Document
Staff coordinates with environmental consultant regarding document determination -- likely that either an Addendum to previous EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration will be prepared. Anticipate April Board approval (simultaneously authorize funds for release of bid package to retain ASR-4 drilling contractor). Utilize environmental document to secure remaining regulatory authorizations.
Budget: $92,000
Timeline: 4 months (Jan Apr 2012)
Task 4: Conduct Geotechnical Investigation; Prepare Backflush
Pit Plans, Bid Specifications, Award Construction Contract, Secure Permits
A geotechnical investigation is required prior to design of the onsite backflush percolation pit. The results of this investigation will be used to design the backflush pit and the required diversion wall between the toe of the pit and the school. Specifications will be prepared for bid solicitation to qualified contractors. Approvals from MPUSD and City of Seaside will be secured prior to construction.
Budget: internal, plus outside engineering support per Task 1
Timeline: 6 months (Feb Jun 2012)
Task 5: Prepare ASR-4 Well Detailed Design and
Construction Bid Documents; Award Construction Contract
Final designs assembled with outside engineering technical support. Final ASR-4 well (Seaside Middle #2 well) design selection and technical specifications to be incorporated into bid package for solicitation to drilling contractors in early May 2012. Anticipate contractor selection early June 2012.
Budget: internal, plus outside engineering support per Task 1
Timeline: 4 months (Mar Jun 2012)
Task 6: Develop Full Site Civil, Electrical, Building
Plans, specifications and bidding support to be secured for site underground water and electrical piping, and electrical control equipment building.
Budget: internal, plus outside engineering support per Task 1
Timeline: 4 months (Mar Jun 2012)
Task 7: Secure Permits, Drill/Construct ASR-4 Well
Secure drilling permits by early June 2012. Select successful contractor, erect sound wall, drill well, construct temporary discharge disposal pipeline, develop well, and conduct well production performance testing. Most work will be conducted during school summer break to minimize construction noise impacts. Drill well June/July 2012. Construct well July/August 2012.
Budget: $1,900,000
Timeline: 3 months (Jun Aug 2012)
Task 8: Construct Backflush Pit and Diversion Wall
Backflush pit and diversion wall construction will be a major earthwork project which will require the bulk of the work to be conducted during the school break to minimize impact on school operations. June September 2012.
Budget: $235,000
Timeline: 4 months (Jun-Sep 2012)
Task 9: Secure Building Permits for Electrical
The approximate 20x30onsite electrical control equipment building design is subject to review and approval by the MPUSD, and will be submitted to the City of Seaside Board of Architectural Review prior to approving final plans. In addition, a building permit for the structure must be secured prior to construction.
Budget: internal, plus outside engineering support per Task 1
Timeline: 4 months (Jul Oct 2012)
Task 10: Design, Bid, Award Contracts to Equip ASR-4
Upon completion of construction of ASR-4 well per Task 7, the wells ancillary equipment (i.e., pump, motor, ASR flow control valve, surface piping and valving) will be designed, solicited for bids, and contracted for construction.
Budget: $502,000
Timeline: 4 months (Sep Dec 2012)
Task 11: Bid, Award Contracts, Secure Permit for
Electrical Control Equipment
The electrical control equipment inside the Electrical Building will be purchased separately from qualified vendors. In addition, a separate electrical permit is required prior to installation of the equipment inside the building.
Budget: $537,000
Timeline: 5 months (Jan May 2013)
Task 12: Construct, Equip Electrical Building
Separate contracts must be secured for: (a) building construction, and (b) installation of electrical control equipment.
Budget: $218,000
Timeline: 5 months (Jun Oct 2013)
Task 13: Complete Site Paving, Fencing, Landscaping
Paving, fencing and landscaping designs will be prepared and submitted for approval by MPUSD prior to securing applicable permits for this final site completion work.
Budget: $121,000
Timeline: 3 months (Oct Dec 2013)
Summary of
Estimated Costs
Task 1: Prepare Permanent Project Specifications Task 2: Develop Detailed Project Description Task 3: Prepare/Approve Relevant CEQA Document Task 4: Conduct geotechnical investigation; prepare backflush pit plans, bid specifications, award construction contract, secure permits Task 5: Prepare ASR-4 Well Detailed Design and Construction Bid Documents; Award Construction Contract Task 6: Develop Full Site Civil, Electrical, Building Plans Task 7: Secure
Permits, Drill/Construct ASR-4 Well Task 8: Construct Backflush Pit and Diversion Wall Task 9: Secure Building Permits for Electrical Building Task 10: Design, bid, Award Contracts to Equip ASR-4 Well Task 11: Bid, Award Contracts, Secure Permit for Electrical Control Equipment Task 12: Construct, Equip Electrical Building Task 13: Complete Site Paving, Fencing, Landscaping |
$396,000 n/a $92,000 n/a n/a n/a $1,900,000 $235,000 n/a $502,000 $537,000 $218,000 $121,000 |
Contingency (15%) |
$601,000 |
Total Cost Estimate for Remaining Water Project 2 Facilities
$4,602,000 |
Supporting Figures
A map showing the location of the Water Project 2 site in relation to the Water Project 1 site is shown on Figure 1. A preliminary construction schedule for the remaining Water Project 2 facilities, showing task and subtask breakdown, is shown on Figure 2. The preliminary site development plan for Water Project 2 is shown on Figure 3.
A Note about
Additional Phases of ASR
The Water Project 2 description only carries the District through the expansion to Phase 2 of ASR. However, there has been discussion surrounding additional aquifer storage and recovery in the Santa Margarita sandstone aquifer. Our own supply discussion includes up to 3,000 AFY of additional supply from ASR. While the resource and technology has now been proven, the aquifer has not yet been sufficiently studied for preferred expansion sites, nor has the environmental process been initiated.
Expansion beyond the components included in the original Regional Project EIR may require a separate EIR of their own, as well as an investigation into the aquifer hydrogeologic conditions at potential future expansion sites. Although Cal-Am has already taken steps to explore a third phase of ASR (without direct District support as with Water Project 2), much work will need to be done on environmental assessment and technical assessment. Those costs are not included or discussed in this work plan.
Figure 1. Vicinity map showing Santa Margarita (Water Project 1) and Seaside Middle School (Water Project 2) Aquifer Storage and Recovery sites.
Figure 2. Water Project 2 (Seaside
Middle School) ASR Facility, Preliminary Construction Schedule
Figure 3. Preliminary site development plan for Water Project 2 (Seaside Middle School) ASR facilities.