Implementation Plan

Water Project 4

Groundwater Replenishment

(from MRWPCA)



Work Plan Tasks


Task 1:  Bench Scale Testing of Wastewater - Evaluate the water quality of the wastewater, identifying constituents of concern for testing, conduct FEEM testing to determine fouling potential, develop water quality objectives, develop two alternative treatment process, develop capital and O&M cost estimates, develop pilot test protocol, layout, and cots estimate.


Task 2:  Design, Procure, Install and Operate Pilot Treatment Plant


a)     Help MRWPCA determine if best or rent or purchase MF/UF/RO facilities.  Bid and start procurement

b)     Delivery of pilot facilities, installation, start-up, and operate pilot MF/UF and RO facilities for at least 6 months.


Task 3:  Pilot Treatment Evaluation, IAP and Regulatory Acceptance - Analyze the data from the pilot testing and review it with the Independent Advisory Panel (“IAP”) and regulators


Task 4:  Detailed Design of Advanced Water Treatment (AWT) Plant - Create detailed design that can be bid by a contractor.


Task 5:  Permits and Environmental Review - Obtain all the permits plus CEQA and NEPA (if required) review.


Task 6:  Value Engineering - During early and possibly late design, have an independent review performed to look at less costly approaches.


Task 7:  Construction of AWT - Bid, award, and construct the AWT facilities.


Task 8:  Start-Up of AWT -  Perform capacity and performance testing, train operators, and begin operation.


Task 9:  Develop Groundwater Workplan - Conduct site visit and identify field constraints.  Identify the permits and other requirements.  Identify how to characterize the vadose zone, the monitor well requirements, and the sampling plan.  Meet with City of Seaside and the Watermaster.


Task 10:  Design Well and Sampling Plan - Design the well so it can be bid.  Design the water sampling plan for the well after drilling.


Task 11:  Procure and Drill Test Monitoring Well - Bid and award a contract to a well driller.  Well driller to obtain continuous core sample for analysis while drilling the well.  Install casing so that water can be sampled from the paso Robles Aquifer.


Task 12:  Water Sampling, Modeling, IAP and Approval of Injection and Sampling Plans – Sample the Paso Robles water.  Develop injection and sampling plans and have validated by IAP.  Create a simple model from core sample information about travel times from the injection wells to the monitoring wells.


Task 13:  Design and Operate Pilot Injection Wells – Design the number, size, and depth of the injection wells.  Determine the water source, tracer to be used, flow rates and durations for test.  Construct the facilities.  Operate the facilities.


Task 14:  Permits and Environmental Reviews – Obtain all permits needed.  Complete CEQA and NEPA, if needed, reviews prior to construction.


Task 15:  Pilot Injection Evaluation, review and Acceptance – Review the data collected.  Present finding and conclusions to IAP, CDPH, and RWQCB for acceptance.


Task 16:  Detailed Design and Value Engineering – Develop documents for bid.  At least once during design have an independent party review the concepts and preliminary documents to see if there is a better or less expensive approach.


Task 17:  Construction of Injection Facilities – Bid and construct the vadose and injection wells, pipelines, monitoring equipment, electrical supplies, etc. necessary for the facilities to operate.


Task 18:  Start-Up of Injection Facilities – Perform capacity and function tests of the completed facilities and train operational staff.  Begin operation.


Task 19:  Public Outreach and OCWD Tours – Prepare information packets, press conference, and editorials.  Develop stakeholder list.  Conduct opinion leader meetings.  Address environmental justice issue.  Meet with elected officials.  Develop social media outreach.  Update materials.


Task 20:  Obtain CDPH Approval for Sharing Pipe – Develop the criteria acceptable to MRWPCA and CDPH for dual usage of the transmission pipeline for recycled water and for purified (advance treated0 water during different times of year.


Task 21:  Funding Plan


a)     Preliminary Funding Plan:  Take the best estimate of capital and O&M costs plus the schedule to develop a funding plan

b)     Intermediate Funding Plan:  Update the plan based on updated capital and O&M costs plus the revised schedule.

c)      Final Funding Plan:  Complete an update based on the completed designs and cost estimates and schedules.  Use plan to obtain financing for construction


Task 22:  Continued Public Outreach – Continuing the process of Task 19


Task 23: Look for Year-Around MF/RO Operation – (a) Determine use for facilities during summer months, 9b) continue the process


Task 24:  Updates of Schedule, Budget, IAP, etc – After each segment of significant work it is important to re-estimate the costs and schedule and to share that information with the Board and those involved with the project.  The IAP requires regular updates and involvement in the major decisions.


Task 25:  Negotiate Watermaster Agreement – This agreement would allow for water to be injected into the Seaside Aquifer to be withdrawn from it later.


Task 26:  Negotiate a Water Purchase Agreement – It is imperative to sell the water.


Task 27:  Negotiate Sharing Pipeline with MCWD – It is desired to use the Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project (“RUWAP”) pipeline and pump stations for this project.  Currently MCWD would be the owner of most of these facilities.


Task 28:  Design and Construct Alternative Pipeline – Should Task 20 or Task 27 be unsuccessful, then it will be necessary to design and build an alternate pipeline to transport water to the Seaside Groundwater Basin.



Summary of Estimated Costs



Pilot Studies


Design, Permitting, Legal, and Construction Management




      Total Costs



$2.5 million


$9.0+ million


$40 to $60 million


$50 to $70 million





See next page









