Summary of Benefits

Draft Memorandum of Understanding





·         All existing wastewater is committed to CSIP

·         Status quo maintained at worst case

·         Expands water available to CSIP creating potential for reduced CSIP pumping and/or additional lands

·         Creates benefits from winter wastewater previously discharged to the ocean (SVRP modifications and storage)

·         Accelerates physical treatment solution for impaired surface waters

·         Comparable low cost of water (interruptible rate)

·         Reduction in capital cost with credit for unproven effects of Ag Wash Water pond infiltration and percolation

·         Combats decline in water due to conservation

·         Builds drought reserve

·         Shares capital costs of facilities and water rights acquisition

·         Resolves cost accounting concerns

·         Ends confusion over Amendment 3





·         Gets first priority on “incremental” additional new sources for GWR

·         Obligates PCA to pursue additional sources on behalf of all Parties

·         Reduces discharges

·         Diversifies water supply options for reliability and security

·         Shares capital costs of facilities and water rights acquisition

·         Resolves cost accounting concerns

·         Ends confusion over Amendment 3

·         Begins to address Peninsula ASBS stormwater concerns





·         Reduces capital investment in Industrial Pond improvements

·         Creates revenue stream to support other investment

·         Able to reduce rates to industrial customers

·         Secures new economic development opportunities without Capacity Charge

·         Provides relief from stormwater permit violations

·         Gains in operating flexibility at Ponds

·         Improves emergency sewage by-pass flow operations at no cost to City



Marina Coast Water District:


·         Monetize unused RUWAP Pipeline



