List of Rules Amended by Draft Ordinance 175




Rule 11



Add definition for Consumptive Use, and amend definition of MPWRS

Rule 20-A



Amend fifth paragraph re: setting System Limits for previously existing systems

Rule 20-C-6


Amend text re: consecutive years of inactive well

Rule 20.4


Add sentence regarding option to request rescission of production limit for qualifying systems

Rule 21-A-4

Water Rights Documentation

Amend water rights text to refer to Implementation Guidelines

Rule 22-A-1


Incomplete applications to be denied without prejudice (also applies to several other sections describing application process)

Rule 22-A-3

Exemption Protocol

Expand text to note that CVAA wells will have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-A-6

Exemption Protocol

Expand text to note that CVAA wells will have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-B-5

Required Findings

Long-term reliable supply to be demonstrated

Rule 22-B-6

Required Findings

New Finding #6 stating CVAA wells will have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-C- 2, and 22-C-3

Minimum Standards

Amend order of Finding #2 and #3; clarify that focus is physical ability to meet supply

Rule 22-C-6

Minimum Standards

Add new Standard #6 stating CVAA wells must be consistent with adopted MPWMD Policy for the CVAA  

Rule 22-F

Cancellation of Application

Amends text to allow a time extension to provide required information as approved by the General Manager

Rule 40-A

Setting System Limits

Extensive edits to incorporate August 15, 2016  Board policy on production limits for CVAA wells plus previous Ordinance 160 changes for upland wells

Rule 60-J and 60-K

Fees and Charges

Correct text to state the hourly staff rate is provided in the Fees and Charges Table 22-A*







*Table 22-A by separate Board action


Fees and Charges Table 22-A is amended by Board action and not part of the ordinance.  Amend text to incorporate updated costs for specific WDS tasks and add rows for  challenges and enforcement

