Los Padres Dam Alternative Analysis
NMFS priority actions and suggested future studies
(2021-2023 timeline)
March 4, 2019
GOAL 1: Expand & Refine Hydrologic Modeling
Study 1:
Carmel River Basin Hydrologic Model
Fund additional calibration and validation of the Carmel
River Basin Hydrologic Model to address NMFS and other agencies’ comments.
Study 2: Comprehensive water quality monitoring and modeling
and model seasonal and longitudinal temperature patterns in the mainstem
corridor at hourly frequencies. Temperature monitoring may include existing
monitoring sites (approximately 9 sites) located on the mainstem. Expand Los
Padres Reservoir water quality monitoring to include more frequent tracking of
water temperature and dissolved oxygen vertical/longitudinal profiles
throughout the reservoir (this may be a separate study). Incorporate this information into basin
Study 3:
Additional hydrologic simulations (e.g., historical simulations).
Conduct historic (pre-development) vs. proposed Hydrological
Passage Opportunity Analysis to quantify the amount of time steelhead had (and
will have) access to key habitats (upper watershed, estuary, passable
conditions over critical riffle, etc).
Study 1: Fisheries Monitoring & Life Cycle Model
Continue existing steelhead monitoring program beyond
current funding (through 2021). Continue monitoring to track the population
across a larger set of hydrologic conditions. Use fisheries and hydrologic data to
develop a population life cycle model. Use fisheries data with other modeling
and habitat assessments (historic and current) to identify limiting factors for
steelhead. Assess role and impact of predators - Striped Bass (downstream of
LPD) and Brown Trout (upstream of LPD) as both are potential limiting factors
for steelhead. It would also be beneficial to evaluate brown trout population
Study 2: Historical Ecology &
Hydrology Assessment
and quantify historical (pre-development) geomorphologic, hydrologic, and
ecological conditions of steelhead habitat throughout the watershed to
establish a baseline condition which can be used to identify current limiting
factors, restoration opportunities, and degree to which ecological functions
can be recovered. At a minimum, conduct a reconnaissance-level historical
assessment of the hydrology and channel morphology in the Carmel River
downstream of Cachagua Creek. SFEI should be contacted for an estimate of
assessment costs.
Study 3:
Upper Carmel River Habitat Assessment
Conduct a contemporary assessment of steelhead habitat
conditions (e.g., pool-riffle ratios, substrate quality/quantity, LWD
inventory, etc.) in the watershed upstream of Los Padres Dam. The objectives of this study would be to
evaluate spawning and rearing habitat capacity.
Assessment protocols should be developed with agency input. The output would inform the relative habitat
carrying capacity and productivity compared with reaches downstream of the dam.
This study may be conducted in partnership with MPWMD as part of their ongoing
or planned monitoring.
GOAL 3: Flood
Risk Analysis & Planning
Study 1: Conduct a Carmel River
Flood Risk Assessment
the BESMO recommendations conduct a HEC-RAS assessment. Outcomes from this assessment could be
used to identify areas where sediment management opportunities could provide
multi-functional benefits for the riparian ecosystem (e.g., floodplain
connectivity, riparian forest expansion, parks and recreation, strategic
retreat opportunities).
Notes on Interim Passage
Improvements at LP dam and reservoir
Current budget allocated ~200k for
ladder/plunge pool improvements.
Downstream passage at floating weir
improved due to fyke modifications
Additional improvements at floating
weir and spillway depends on monitoring (video/pit-tag) data collected this
year and next. If improvements are needed they would entail: Pumps, power,
modification of the spillway, and/or modification of flotation, etc.
Improvements could range from 0.5 -
4 million
Improvements would be a capital
project which requires more detail than a study in a rate package. Aman
proposed to scope out a design proposal for this rate package.