Item 8 Status Report on Cal-Am Compliance with SWRCB Orders and Seaside Basin Decision as of February 1, 2018General Manager’s Report
Item 10 Innovations in Desalination Water Reuse, and Emerging Contaminants at American Waterpresentation by Ben Stanford
Item 11 Consider Application for Variance to Allow Non-Residential Group II Water Use Capacity at 458-460 Alvarado Street, Montereystaff presentation
Item 11 Documents presented by applicant
Item 11 Documents presented by Anthony Davi, Sr.
Item 11 Documents presented by Jess Flowers
Item 12 Consider Approval of a CEQA Addendum for the Carmel River Bank Stabilization Project at Rancho San Carlos Roadstaff presentation
Exhibit 12-B Revised Resolution 2018-03presented by staff
Item 13 Consider Adoption of Mid-Year Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Adjustmentstaff presentation