Item 10 Status Report on Cal-Am Compliance with SWRCB Orders and Seaside Basin Decision as of July 1, 2018General Manager’s Report
Item 13 First Reading of Ordinance No. 179 – staff presentations
Item 14 Certification of Initail Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Addendum for Los Padres Dam Gravel Augmentation Program – staff presentation
Item 15 Approval of a CEQA Addendum tot he Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Upgrade – staff presentation
Item 16 Approval of a CEQA Addendum tot he ASR EIR/EA for the Backflush Basin Expansion Project – staff presentation
Item 17 Declaring Monterey County Zoning Ordinance Inapplicable to the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Upgrade – staff presentation
Item 18 Expenditure to Contract for Construction and Related Services for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Raw Water Intake and Water Supply System Upgrade Project – staff presentation
Item 19 Expenditure for the Santa Margarita Backflush Basin Expansion Project Construction and Support Services – staff presentation