
Water District Hires Assistant General Manager

The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (District) announces the arrival of Mike McCullough as their new Assistant General Manager. McCullough, who has resided in the area for over 25 years, understands how important the management of local water resources is for the local communities. The District’s General Manager, Dave Stoldt, said “The District conducted a national search for a dedicated water professional, and the top candidate was literally next door. Mike has proven his knowledge of the complex local water issues, and he will bring a new perspective and energy for our customers, staff, and Board.”

McCullough worked at Monterey One Water (M1W), for the past 13 years. His focus while at M1W was to bring the Pure Water Monterey Project online. The concept of replenishing groundwater with advanced purified recycled water went from planning to production in only seven years. McCullough helped secure low interest loans from the State Water Resources Control Board and the EPA. He scoured various grant funding opportunities for northern California’s first indirect potable reuse project, ultimately resulting in $80 million in state and federal grants.

George Riley, District Board Chair, said, “The Pure Water Monterey Project highlighted the regional efforts required to help develop a sustainable water supply for the area.” adding, “Mr. McCullough was an integral part of this successful project, and we welcome him to the MPWMD team.”

Stoldt said the District believes McCullough’s established reputation, local understanding of water issues, and professional contacts across a variety of state and federal organizations will be an asset for the District and its constituents.

McCullough will start his new position in early April.

Free Landscape Seminars Benefit from Master Gardeners

A vibrant display of colorful flowers, including purple, yellow, red, and white blooms, arranged in a lush garden setting.

Four Valuable Principles Will Make You Watershed Wise:

  • Size and site your rainwater capture area
  • Develop a palette of climate-appropriate plants
  • Learn to apply essential design principles
  • Create a successful planting plan

Schedule / Register:

FREE Virtual Landscape Seminars

3/05/25 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Design Your Own Garden
3/18/25 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Find and Fix Outdoor Leaks
4/10/25 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Shade and Other Challenges
4/29/25 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Grow Roses & Daffodils in Drought
5/14/25 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Pets & Kid Friendly Landscapes
6/19/25 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Drip Irrigation Fundamentals

November 21, 2024 / Two District Board Members End Four-Year Terms

David Stoldt, MPWMD General Manager (far left) and George Riley, Incoming Board Chair (far right) congratulate Mary Adams, Monterey County Board of Supervisors Representative, and Mark Eisenhardt, Division 3 Representative, for their outstanding contributions.

Four individuals stand together, holding awards in front of a sign for Monterey Peninsula Water Management. An American flag is visible in the background.

November 1, 2024 / Annual Water Supply Charge

The Water Supply Charge (WSC) was imposed in 2012 to fund the District’s water supply related activities. This charge was collected on property tax bills for properties that were within the District boundaries served by the California American main system. READ MORE >