Exhibit 3  


DOCUMENTATION of COMMUNICATIONS with Neighboring Well Owners Re: Optional Well Monitoring to Assess Impact  


Today’s Date:  ______                                                   Applicant Consultant Name

Consultant Mailing Address

System/Applicant Name: ______                                    City State Zip                                       

APN: ______

Site Address/Location:  ______


Dear Consultant:

Pursuant to Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) Rule 21-A, the Applicant’s consultant must notify Neighboring Well owners of the opportunity to have their Wells monitored during the Well assessment test associated with a Water Distribution System (WDS) Permit.  Neighboring Wells are located within 1,000/300 feet of the subject Well.  These neighbors have been advised of the subject Pre-Application and that you will be contacting them.  Documentation of your communications to, and responses by, neighbors must be submitted to MPWMD and confirmed prior to the Well testing date for it to be accepted by MPWMD.  Your future WDS Application will also need to include this documentation.


**Attached are owners’ contact information and Neighboring Well data provided on a need-to-know basis**

You must contact Neighboring Well owners at least 14 days (longer if at all possible) before a potential Well test date to explain the voluntary option to have their Well monitored.  You should make a reasonable effort to accommodate the neighbors’ schedules.   You should explain the Well data needed and restrictions on the use of their Well during the test, as described in the attached guide.  You must also coordinate with drillers and Health Department staff regarding test dates; MPWMD is not involved in those logistics.  Note that you will need to plan extra time before the start of the Well test for District staff to review and confirm the documentation.


As the Applicant’s consultant, you must document a good-faith effort to communicate with Neighboring Well owners.  To maximize safety and trust, the initial contact should be by letter or e-mail (if available).  If there is no response within one week, you should attempt a second communication; this may be by phone and/or personal visit, by previous arrangement.  At least two forms of communication to the neighbors are suggested.  Documentation of the Neighboring Well owner’s responses is also required.  It is recognized that lack of a response by neighbors may be due to an extended vacation, illness or other absence.  This is balanced with the due process rights of the Applicant.

**To avoid unnecessary delays, please carefully review MPWMD WDS Memorandum #7, available at the District website (“Water Wells”) at: http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/pae/wds/wds.htm




Please see over for more detailed information, MPWMD contacts and website links.


Documentation Format

Before the Well test commences, District staff must review and confirm the adequacy of the following written information to be submitted for each Neighboring Well owner:

·         Type of contact and date received by neighbor (e.g., letter, e-mail, phone, visit);

·         Copy of written communications to neighbor; summary of verbal exchanges;

·         Re-contact effort if no response by neighbor is received within 7 days of initial contact;

·         Copy of written responses or summary of verbal responses by neighbor.



MPWMD Staff Contact: 

Please contact Henrietta Stern at henri@mpwmd.net or 831/658-5621 if you have questions on the WDS Permit process. 



MPWMD Website Links:

For comprehensive information on MPWMD procedures and requirements for water Wells, please visit the MPWMD website at:  http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/pae/wds/wds.htm.  The protocol for notifying Neighboring Well owners as part of the WDS Permit process is Memorandum #7 on this webpage.


The MPWMD Rules & Regulations are updated regularly.  For the most recent version, it is best to visit the MPWMD homepage at: http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/

Then click on “Rules and Regulations.”  Then select the desired rule, such as Rule 21-A.


Ordinance No. 150 is on the website at:

http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/ordinances/ordinances.htm   Select “Ordinance No. 150.”



Monitor Well Data Needs and Other Information

See the attached 2-page guide entitled, “Guidelines for Data Collected from Monitored Neighboring Wells Associated with Pumping Tests for MPWMD Water Distribution System Permits.”









Prepared by H. Stern on 6/19/2012