Table 2

Summary of Mitigation Program Accomplishments in 2005-2006









Monitor Water Resources


Regularly tracked precipitation, streamflow, surface and ground water levels and quality, and lagoon characteristics between Los Padres Dam and the Carmel River Lagoon, using real-time and computer monitoring methods at numerous data collection stations.  Maintained extensive monitoring network, and continuous streamflow recorders below San Clemente Dam and other sites.


Manage Water Production


Developed and implemented multi-agency Memorandum of Agreement and quarterly water supply strategies; worked cooperatively with resource agencies implementing the federal Endangered Species Act. Implemented ordinances that regulate water distribution systems.


Manage Water Demand



Inspected 1,749 properties for conservation compliance, which saved an estimated 33 acre-feet (AF) through required retrofits; approved retrofit refunds for 439 applications, saving an estimated 8.4 AFY; provided water credit incentives for 267 applicants; conducted public outreach for conservation program.  Implemented Ordinance No. 109 enabling sale of water entitlements to properties within Del Monte Forest to fund expanded Pebble Beach reclamation program.  Processed 1,145 permits of various types under allocation program; coordinated with jurisdictions to help streamline permit process.


Monitor Water Usage


Complied with SWRCB Order 95-10 for Water Year 2006.


Augment Water Supply




Circulated Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental Assessment for  MPWMD Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project (certified August 2006); continued processes to obtain water rights and other permits for ASR Project.  Injected 411 AF into Seaside Basin through May 2006 as part of ongoing ASR testing.  Conducted recovery tests to assess fate and quality of injected water.  Finalized ASR Management and Operations Agreement with CAW. Prepared comprehensive matrix of regional water supply proposals, including three desalination projects, ASR and reclamation; retained consultant to perform independent review of submitted desalination information.  Determined existing and future water needs in a public process.  Held five public workshops on water supply issues.  Participated in interagency meetings to develop governance structure and cooperative regional water supply planning.  Served as member of Seaside Basin Watermaster Board as well as Technical Advisory Committee; helped prepare required Seaside Basin Monitoring and Management Plan for Court review.  Participated on technical committee evaluating options for seismic safety and sediment management at San Clemente Dam. 


Allocate New Supply


Remained within Water Allocation Program limits.


Determine Drought Reserve


Rationing was not required due to adequate storage reserve.


Steelhead Fishery Program


Counted 368 adult fish passing San Clemente Dam and installed digital video camera to ensure more accurate counts; rescued 20,821 young steelhead from drying reaches of the Carmel River in July-September 2005; stocked 24,612 fish total at Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility, with record high 57% survival; modified and improved Facility physical plant; began preparing Rescue and Rearing Management Plan for Facility in consultation with state and federal experts; conducted annual juvenile fish population survey; conducted California Stream Bio-assessment Procedure (benthic invertebrate sampling at 6 stations); coordinated with CAW regarding operations to maximize fish habitat; helped restore Carmel River Lagoon water levels to ensure fish over-summer habitat; provided engineering expertise to Carmel River Steelhead Association for fish habitat enhancement project at Carmel River Lagoon; monitored lagoon water quality for fish.


Riparian Habitat Program











Carried out second phase of emergency streambank repair project in lower river; continued streambank revegetation between Via Mallorca and Esquiline Roads; obtained $497,000 state grant to coordinate preparation of Draft  Integrated Regional Water Management Plan; operated under Routine Maintenance Agreement with CDFG for MPWMD vegetation maintenance activities;  carried out vegetation management at four sites; diversified restoration techniques and experimented with planting techniques to allow trees to mature more quickly with less irrigation; inspected private projects for compliance with permit conditions; continued two enforcement actions to address serious violations of District riparian ordinances; completed annual river inspection; continued long-term monitoring of physical and biological processes; made presentations on MPWMD restoration techniques to general interest and scientific groups.  


Lagoon Habitat Program




Provided technical expertise and data to multi-agency sponsors of lagoon restoration program; assisted Carmel Area Wastewater District evaluate possible Lagoon augmentation with recycled water; continued vegetation habitat monitoring at eight transect locations; monitored four bathymetric transects; participated in interagency meetings regarding management of lagoon in winter storm events. (See also steelhead efforts that benefit lagoon.)


Aesthetic Measures


See Riparian Habitat Program measures.