MPWMD MITIGATION PROGRAM

                                          WATER ALLOCATION PROGRAM EIR


                                                            Prepared August 2009




                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS




SECTION                                                                                                                         PAGE

I.                Introduction and Executive Summary................................................................... I-1

II.               Monitor Water Resources.................................................................................. II-1

III.             Manage Water Production................................................................................ III-1

IV.             Manage Water Demand.................................................................................... IV-1

V.              Monitor Water Usage........................................................................................ V-1

VI.             Augment Water Supply..................................................................................... VI-1

VII.            Allocation of New Water Supply..................................................................... VII-1

VIII.           Determine Drought Reserve............................................................................ VIII-1

IX.             Steelhead Fishery Mitigation Measures ............................................................. IX-1

X.              Riparian Habitat Mitigation Measures................................................................. X-1

XI.             Lagoon Habitat Mitigation Measures................................................................. XI-1

XII.            Aesthetic Mitigation Measures......................................................................... XII-1

XIII.           Summary of Program Costs (July 2005-June 2006)........................................ XIII-1

XIV.          References .................................................................................................... XIV-1


FIGURE                                                                                                                            PAGE

II-1            Daily Rainfall at San Clemente Dam, WY 2007 ............................................... II-14

II-2            Monthly Distribution of Rainfall at San Clemente Dam....................................... II-15

II-3            Principal Streamflow Measuring Stations in Carmel River Basin......................... II-16

II-4            Cumulative Unimpaired Runoff, Carmel River at San Clemente Dam................. II-17

II-5            End-of-Month Storage for Water Resources System, WY 2007 ...................... II-18

II-6            Daily Streamflow and Groundwater Elevation at Rancho Canada...................... II-19

II-7            Daily Streamflow and Groundwater Elevation at CAWD Rio North.................. II-20

II-8            Groundwater Elevations in Seaside Basin Monitoring Wells............................... II-21

II-9a/b       Water Quality in Carmel Valley Monitoring Wells............................................. II-22

II-9c/d       Water Quality in Carmel Valley Monitoring Wells............................................. II-23

II-9e          Water Quality in Two Coastal Wells in Seaside................................................. II-24

II-10          Locations of Water Temperature Measurement Stations.................................... II-25

II-11          Water Temperature Data at Carmel River Lagoon, RY 2006-07 ...................... II-26

II-12          Water Temperature Data at Garland Park Site, RY 2006-07............................ II-26

II-13          Water Temperature Data Recorded at Sleepy Hollow Weir, RY 2006-07........ II-27

II-14          Water Temperature Data Above San Clemente Dam, RY 2006-07.................. II-27

II-15          Water Temperature Data Below Los Padres Dam, RY 2006-07....................... II-28

II-16          Water Temperature Data Above Los Padres Dam, RY 2006-07...................... II-28

II-18          Carmel River Lagoon Water Surface Elevations, February 2007....................... II-29

III-1           CAW and Non-CAW Production v. MPWMD Allocation Limits...................... III-6

V-1            CAW Water Use Per Connection, 1980-2007................................................... V-5

IX-1           Streamflow at Highway 1 Bridge and Lagoon Surface Elevation....................... IX-11

IX-2           Steelhead Smolts Rescued from Carmel River Basin (1989-2007)................... IX-12

IX-3           Steelhead Rescues in Mainstem Carmel River (1989-2006)............................. IX-13

IX-4           Daily Count of Adult Steelhead at San Clemente Dam, RY 2007..................... IX-14

IX-5           Number of Steelhead at San Clemente Dam (1954-2007)............................... IX-15

IX-6           Juvenile Steelhead Population Density -- (Selected Years 1973-2006)............ IX-16

IX-7           Number of Steelhead Reared Below San Clemente Dam, 1990-2006............. IX-17

X-1            Irrigation Totals for July 2005-June 2006 Period ............................................. X-13

XI-1           Map of Monitoring Transects and Stations at Carmel River Lagoon ................ XI-10

XI-2           Carmel River Lagoon Bathymetric Cross Sections, 1994-2006 ...................... XI-11



TABLE                                                                                                                              PAGE

I-1             Summary of Mitigation Program Components.................................................... I-14

I-2             Mitigation Program Accomplishments in 2006-2007.......................................... I-16

II-1            Carmel River Basin Total Annual Streamflow Summary, 1992-2007 ................ II-30

II-2            Carmel River Lagoon Water Quality Data, RY 2006-2007 .............................. II-31

II-3            Sleepy Hollow Weir Water Quality Data, RY 2006-2007................................. II-32

II-4            Below Los Padres Dam Water Quality Data, 2006-2007................................. II-32

III-1           Water Production Summary for WY 2006........................................................ III-7

III-2           Water Production Summary for WY 2007........................................................ III-8

IV-1           CAW Permits Issued by MPWMD in Fiscal Year 2006-2007.......................... IV-5

V-1            Allocation Limit vs. Water Production (WY 2006 and WY 2007)...................... V-4

VII-1         Status of Water Allocations as of June 30, 2007 ............................................. VII-2

IX-1           Migrant Fyke Trap Results, Spring 2007......................................................... IX-18

IX-2           Juvenile Steelhead Rescued by Age and Location, RY 2006-2007.................. IX-19

IX-3           Fish Survival at Sleepy Hollow Facility, July 2006-Feb 2007........................... IX-20

IX-4           Sleepy Hollow Facility Fish Release Location Summary................................... IX-21

IX-5           Juvenile Steelhead Population Density at Survey Stations (1990-2006)............ IX-22

IX-6           Benthic Macroinvertebrate Values at Five Carmel River Sites (Nov 2006)....... IX-23

X-1            Riparian Species Planted, July 2006-June 2007................................................ X-11

X-2            Monthly Water Use for Irrigation in RY 2006-2007......................................... X-12

XI-1           Map of Monitoring Transects at Carmel River Lagoon..................................... XI-10

XI-2           Carmel River Lagoon Cross Sections, 1994 to 2007....................................... XI-11

XIII-1        Breakdown of Mitigation Program Costs (July 2006-June 2007)..................... XIII-2