The purpose of the Technical Advisory Committee is to review, discuss and if necessary, vote on potential agenda items related to the technical aspects associated with the operation of the District. This meeting and is held in accordance with the Brown Act.
Technical Advisory Committee Members: Updated March 2023
Marnie Waffle, City of Carmel-by-the-Sea
John Guertin, City of Del Rey Oaks
Kimberly Cole, City of Monterey
Karen Vaughn, City of Pacific Grove
Vibeke Norgaard, City of Sand City
Andrew Myrick, City of Seaside
Craig Spencer, Joshua Bowling, and Darby Marshall, County of Monterey
Michael La Pier, Monterey Peninsula Airport District
Staff Contacts:
David J. Stoldt, General Manager
Stephanie Locke, Water Demand Manager
Sara Reyes, Executive Assistant
Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please submit requests at least 5 (five) business days prior to the scheduled meeting date to:
Sara Reyes, Clerk of the Board, at 831-658-5610 or via e-mail at:
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas and Packets
The Technical Advisory Committee meets as needed.
March 2, 2022
Agenda (PDF)
View Recording