Requests to Access Public Records
A written request is not required; however, the Water Management District prefers that requests for records be in writing so that staff can efficiently identify the records sought.
How Do I Request Public Records?
1. Submit request online – click here
2. Or, click here to print a request form and submit by other methods:
• E‐mail:
• Phone: (831) 658‐5652
• Fax: (831) 644‐9560
• Mailing Address:
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
P.O. Box 85 Monterey, CA 93942
3. If you request by mail, email or fax, submission of a completed Public Records Request Form is preferred.
4. Telephone requests will be honored but completion of the Public Records Request Form is recommended.
5. Please provide enough detail so staff can identify and locate the desired (dates, document types, subjects, etc.)
6. Include in your request enough information for us to contact you to arrange for inspection, duplication, and/or delivery of the materials.
7. If you need help to identify specific records, staff will assist you in making a focused request that reasonably describes identifiable records.
How Long Does it Take to Process My Request?
You will be contacted within ten (10) days of receipt of the request, and advised if the records exist and the date records can be made available for your review, or the cost and timeline for duplication and delivery of the requested records. Under some circumstances, the 10 day limit can be extended up to an additional fourteen (14) days by written notice to the requestor.
What Is the Fee for Duplication?
Payment for duplication costs will be required prior to commencement of the work. There is no fee to view records if copies are not requested.
• $0.10 per photocopied page (8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14” and 11” x 17” for Black and White)
• $0.50 per photocopied page (8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14” and 11” x 17” for Colored Copies)
• For two sided copies, the charge is $0.10 per side
• $5.00 per CD‐ROM or DVD
• $5.00 per USB Drive
• Actual duplication costs charged by vendor for oversized or irregularly shaped documents
• For large copy jobs, an outside vendor may be utilized and you will be charged the vendor’s fee
• Preparation of a new record that requires data compilation, extraction or programming will be charged based on labor and time to produce the record.
May Public Records be Inspected
Public records are open to inspection during office hours, generally 8:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Advanced notice is not required to inspect public records; however, the inspection of records is subject to a rule of reason and must be consistent with the efficient functioning of District offices. It is advisable for any person who wishes to inspect public records to contact the District office to make sure that the records are available. An appointment may have to be scheduled if the records are being used by staff, the records must be located and reviewed, or redaction of confidential information is necessary.