Meeting Date: November 20, 2000
Staff Contact: Gabriela Ayala General Counsel Approval: N/A
Budgeted: N/A
Program/Line Item No.: N/A Cost Estimate: N/A |
RECOMMENDATION: If the water use credit transfer request is reconsidered and approved, staff recommends that approval of the transfer be conditioned upon the property owner's consent to allow the District to record a deed restriction confirming that the transfer of water credit is irrevocable. The deed restriction will also acknowledge that any intensification of water use through a water distribution system on the subject property, as defined by District Rule 11, will require prior written authorization from the County of Monterey and prior written authorization and permits from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, in accord with then applicable provisions of law.
BACKGROUND: Robles del Rio Lodge, LLC, successor in interest to Ron Gurries Family partnership in the ownership of a motel in Carmel Valley, has applied under District Rule 28-B to transfer 7.827 acre-feet of water use credits from the property to the County of Monterey. In addition to the water use credits that are proposed for transfer, the District would retain 1.381 acre-feet of the annual water use that was calculated for the site to meet its long-term water conservation goals. The water use credit was established in June 1998, following a permanent disconnection from the California-American Water Company system. The reduction in use occurred on May 22, 1998, and is valid until May 22, 2003, unless extended for an additional 60 months at that time. The motel and related facilities uses continue to operate on the site utilizing a private water system.
DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: District Meeting Rule 23, Reconsideration, states:
At the meeting succeeding that on which a final vote on any question has been taken, said vote may be reconsidered on the motion of a member of the Board who voted on the prevailing side. A motion to reconsider shall be in order only if that item had been timely placed on that agenda. It shall not be in order for any member to move a reconsideration at the meeting at which such final vote was taken. Said motion of reconsideration shall have precedence over every other motion.
It is notable that any member of the Board can request that an item be placed on the agenda, but only a member of the prevailing side can make a motion for reconsideration.
PRIOR BOARD ACTION: The Board considered the Robles del Rio Lodge water use credit transfer request on June 29, 2000, and continued its consideration until after the Monterey County Board of Supervisors had granted final approval of the transfer. The Board denied the transfer request on October 26, 2000.