ACTION: This hearing is continued
from the October 26, 2000 Board meeting. The proposed ordinance would change
existing District rules and regulations that define and govern creation
and expansion of water distribution systems, including mobile water distribution
systems. The Board adopted a negative declaration for Ordinance No. 96
on August 21, 2000. Public comment will be received on this item.
ACTION: Director Edwards requested
that this item be placed on the agenda. If a motion to reconsider the item
is approved by the Board, the Directors would vote on whether or not to
approve the application to create the Monterey Bay Shores Water Distribution
System. The public hearing on the Monterey Bay Shores application was closed
Public comment will only be received if the Board decides to reopen the
ACTION: Directors Chesshire, Pendergrass and Potter submitted separate requests that this item be placed on the agenda. If a motion to reconsider the item is approved by the Board, the Directors would vote on whether or not to approve the water use credit transfer request by Robles Del Rio Lodge, LLC. The public hearing on the water credit transfer was closed. Public comment will only be received if the Board decides to reopen the matter.