


Meeting Date:

November 18, 2013





David J. Stoldt,


Public Outreach


General Manager

Line Item No.:     



Prepared By:

Stephanie Pintar

Cost Estimate:

NTE $11,000


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on November 12, 2013 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance: N/A


SUMMARY:  Staff is requesting approval to spend up to $11,000 to undertake an advertising campaign targeted at the Non-Residential water users regarding conservation requirements mandated at the end of 2013. The District’s communication plan relied on California American Water (Cal-Am) to send a mailer to its customers during the summer that would have provided information about the District’s requirements and available commercial rebates. The planned joint outreach project was replaced by Cal-Am’s outreach to implement the new commercial rate structure approved by the California Public Utilities Commission in August 2013.


Communication with the commercial customers is essential before the end of the year. Staff has been working with Thomas Brand Consulting to determine the best methods to communicate the requirements. Attached as Exhibit 9-A is a proposal that includes mailings to property owners and customers, radio, television and internet advertising and outreach to local community organizations. Staff is confident that they will be provided a mailing list of Cal-Am’s customers so that mailings can be directed both to the property owner and to the tenants.


Non-Residential Water Users within the District must meet Rule 143 Water Efficiency Standards by December 31, 2013. Some of the Water Efficiency Standards include:


·         Replacement of toilets must be with High Efficiency Toilets (1.28 gallons per flush) unless the business already has Ultra Low Flush (1.6 gallon per flush) toilets;

·         High Efficiency Urinals;

·         High Efficiency Clothes Washers;

·         Water Efficient Ice Machines.


Rebates (and Water Credit) are available for the purchase and installation of Qualifying Devices (i.e., including those listed above) unless they have been required by a District program: After December 31, 2013, rebates (and credit) will no longer be available for devices required by Rule 143.  For this reason, immediate action to communicate the conservation requirements as broadly as possible is essential.

RECOMMENDATION:  Staff requests the Administrative Committee support a not-to-exceed amount of $11,000 to notify Non-Residential customers of the requirements. Funding for this effort is available in the community outreach portion of the budget.



9-A      Public Outreach Plan







