This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules.  The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Monday of each month, except in January and February.  The meetings begin at 6:00 PM.






Regular Meeting

Board of Directors

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Monday, May 17, 2021, 6:00 PM, Virtual Meeting


Pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Orders N-29-20 and N-33-20, and to do all we can to help slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), meetings of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors and committees will be conducted with virtual (electronic) participation only using Zoom.


Join the meeting at this link:


Or join at:

Webinar ID: 941 2943 8906

Passcode: 05172021

Participate by phone: (669) 900-9128


For detailed instructions on how to connect to the meeting, please see page 4 of this agenda.


You may also view the live webcast on AMP

scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Peninsula Channel


Staff notes will be available on the District web site at
by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 14, 2021










ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA - The General Manager will announce agenda

corrections and proposed additions, which may be acted on by the Board as provided in Sections 54954.2 of

the California Government Code.





Board of Directors

                Alvin Edwards, Chair – Division 1

Karen Paull, Vice Chair – Division 4

George Riley – Division 2

Safwat Malek – Division 3

Amy Anderson – Division 5

Mary L. Adams, Monterey County

Board of Supervisors Representative

Clyde Roberson – Mayoral Representative


General Manager

David J. Stoldt



This agenda was posted at the District office at 5 Harris Court, Bldg. G Monterey, California on Thursday, May 13, 2021. After staff reports have been posted and distributed, if additional documents are produced by the District and provided to a majority of the Board regarding any item on the agenda, they will be posted on the District website.  Documents distributed on the afternoon of the meeting will be available upon request, and posted to the web within five days of adjournment of the meeting. The next scheduled meetings of the MPWMD Board of Directors will be a:


(1)      Special Meeting (Workshop of the Proposed FY2021-22 Budget) on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 5:00 PM


(2)      Regularly Meeting on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM.




ORAL COMMUNICATIONS- - Anyone wishing to address the Board on Consent Calendar, Information Items, Closed Session items, or matters not listed on the agenda may do so only during Oral Communications.  Please limit your comment to three (3) minutes.  The public may comment on all other items at the time they are presented to the Board.




CONSENT CALENDAR - The Consent Calendar consists of routine items for which staff has prepared a recommendation.  Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation.  Consent Calendar items may be pulled for separate consideration at the request of a member of the public, or a member of the Board. Following adoption of the remaining Consent Calendar items, staff will give a brief presentation on the pulled item.  Members of the public are requested to limit individual comment on pulled Consent Items to three (3) minutes.  Unless noted with double asterisks “**”, Consent Calendar items do not constitute a project as defined by CEQA Guidelines section 15378.



Consider Adoption of Minutes from the March 15, 2021 Regular Meeting, April 19, 2021 Regular Meeting and April 19, 2021 Special Meeting



Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for March, 2021



Receive and File Third Quarter Financial Activity Report for Fiscal Year 2020-21



Consider Approval of Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2020-21 Investment Report







Status Report on California American Water Compliance with State Water Resources Control Board Order 2016-0016 and Seaside Groundwater Basin Adjudication Decision



Update on Development of Water Supply Project



Receive an Overview of the LAFCO Study Session







Status Report on a Complaint filed with the California Public Utilities Commission

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, Complainant v. California-American Water Company (U210W), Defendant).






Oral Reports on Activities of County, Cities, Other Agencies/Committees/Associations





PUBLIC HEARINGS- Public Comment will be received. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes per item.



Consider Adoption of the 2020 MPWMD Annual Report




Recommended Action: The District’s enabling legislation requires that a public hearing be conducted on the Annual Report and direct to staff to finalize the 2020 MPWMD Annual Report.






Receive and Confirm Water Supply Forecast for Period of May 1, 2021 -- September 30, 2022 – and Consider Adopting Draft Resolution 2021-04 to Amend Rationing Table XV-4




Recommended Action: The Board will receive a report on the available water supply and determine whether water-rationing triggers have been met and consider adoption of Resolution 2021-04.





ACTION ITEMSPublic Comment will be received. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes per item.






Consider First Reading of Ordinance 187 – (1) Establishing the Department of Defense as a Jurisdiction and adding a Water Use Credit Process Specific to the Department of Defense, and (2) Authorizing the General Manager to Extend Water Use Credits for One Year for Justifiable Cause (Ratification of January 25, 2021 First Reading)






Recommended Action: The Board will consider the first reading of draft Ordinance No. 187. If approved for second reading, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certification will occur during the second reading and consideration of adoption of this ordinance.






Consider Adoption of Resolution 2021-03, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Seeking Authorization to Activate Latent District Powers and to Adopt A Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation


Recommended Action: The Board will consider adoption of Resolution 2021-03 that would authorize the District to file an application with LAFCO for authorization to activate its latent powers for operation of the Monterey Water System, and to obtain a boundary adjustment.






Consider Authorizing Staff to Contract with Property Tax Consultant for Measure J/LAFCO Process


Recommended Action: The Board will consider authorizing staff to contract a property tax consultant to assist with the Measure J/LAFCO application and an estimate of associated costs will be discussed at the hearing.






Consider Authorization of Additional Expenditure for LAFCO Process Related to Measure J




Recommended Action: The Board will consider authorizing staff to continue to pay LAFCO Fees and pass-throughs due other agencies for the District’s application process in a total amount not to exceed $80,000 which includes the already expended deposit of $7,200.00.





DISCUSSION ITEMS- Discussion Only. No action will be taken by the Board. Public Comment will be received. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes per item.




Discuss Effect of Post-COVID-19 Reopening on District Meeting Format and Work Environment (Verbal Report)





INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS - The public may address the Board on Information Items and Staff Reports during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting.  Please limit your comments to three minutes.



Status Report on Measure J / Rule 19.8 Phase II Spending



Report on Activity / Progress on Contracts Over $25,000



Letters Received



Committee Reports



Monthly Allocation Report



Water Conservation Program Report



Carmel River Fishery Report for April, 2021



Monthly Water Supply and California American Water Production Report








Board Meeting Schedule


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Monday, June 21, 2021

Monday, July 19, 2021

Special Meeting

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

Virtual - Zoom

Virtual - Zoom

Virtual – Zoom





Board Meeting Television and On-Line Broadcast Schedule

View Live Webcast at scroll

to the bottom of the page and select the Peninsula Channel


Television Broadcast

Viewing Area


Comcast Ch. 25 (Monterey Channel), Mondays view live broadcast on meeting dates, and replays on Mondays, 7 pm through midnight

City of Monterey


Comcast Ch. 28, Mondays, replays only 7 pm

Throughout the Monterey County Government Television viewing area.


For Xfinity subscribers, go to  or - enter your address for the listings and channels specific to your city. 

Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Sand City, Seaside, Monterey


Internet Broadcast


Replays – Mondays, 4 pm to midnight at   scroll to Peninsula Channel


Replays – Mondays, 7 pm and Saturdays, 9 am


YouTube – available five days following meeting date -


Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. MPWMD will also make a reasonable effort to provide translation services upon request.  Submit requests by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 14, 2021 to, or call (831) 658-5652.



Instructions for Connecting to the Zoom Meeting

Note:  If you have not used Zoom previously, when you begin connecting to the meeting you may be asked to download the app. If you do not have a computer, you can participate by phone.


Begin: Within 10 minutes of the meeting start time from your computer click on this link:  or paste the link into your browser.






1.In a web browser, type:  

2.Hit the enter key

3.At the top right-hand corner, click on “Join a Meeting”

4.Where it says “Meeting ID”, type in the Meeting ID# above and click “Join Meeting”

5.Your computer will begin downloading the Zoom application. Once downloaded, click “Run” and the application should automatically pop up on your computer. (If you are having trouble downloading, alternatively you can connect through a web browser – the same steps below will apply).

6.You will then be asked to input your name. It is imperative that you put in your first and last name, as participants and attendees should be able to easily identify who is communicating during the meeting.

7.From there, you will be asked to choose either ONE of two audio options: Phone Call or Computer Audio:



1.If you have built in computer audio settings or external video settings – please click “Test Speaker and Microphone”.

2.The client will first ask “Do you hear a ringtone?” •If no, please select “Join Audio by Phone”.

•If yes, proceed with the next question:


3.The client will then ask “Speak and pause, do you hear a replay?” •If no, please select “Join Audio by Phone”

•If yes, please proceed by clicking “Join with Computer Audio”



1.If you do not have built in computer audio settings or external video settings – please click “Phone Call”


2.Select a phone number based on your current location for better overall call quality.

+1 669-900-9128  (San Jose, CA)


+1 253-215-8782  (Houston, TX)


+1 346-248-7799  (Chicago, IL)


+1 301-715-8592  (New York, NY)


+1 312-626-6799  (Seattle, WA)


+1 646-558-8656 (Maryland)


      3.Once connected, it will ask you to enter the Webinar ID No. and press the pound key

4.It will then ask you to enter your participant ID number and press the pound key.

5.You are now connected to the meeting.



1.Download the Zoom application through the Apple Store or Google Play Store (the application is free).

2.Once download is complete, open the Zoom app.

3.Tap “Join a Meeting”

4.Enter the Meeting ID number

5.Enter your name. It is imperative that you put in your first and last name, as participants and attendees should be able to easily identify who is communicating during the meeting.

6.Tap “Join Meeting”

7.Tap “Join Audio” on the bottom left hand corner of your device

8.You may select either ONE of two options: “Call via Device Audio” or “Dial in”



1.If you select “Dial in”, you will be prompted to select a toll-free number to call into.

2. Select a phone number based on your current location for better overall call quality.

+1 669-900-9128  (San Jose, CA)


+1 253-215-8782  (Houston, TX)


+1 346-248-7799  (Chicago, IL)


+1 301-715-8592  (New York, NY)


+1 312-626-6799  (Seattle, WA)


+1 646-558-8656 (Maryland)


3.The phone will automatically dial the number, and input the Webinar Meeting ID No. and your Password.

4.Do not hang up the call, and return to the Zoom app

5.You are now connected to the meeting.


Presenting Public Comment


Receipt of Public Comment – the Chair will ask for comments from the public on all items. Limit your comment to 3 minutes but the Chair could decide to set the time for 2 minutes.

(a)  Computer Audio Connection:  Select the “raised hand” icon.  When you are called on to speak, please identify yourself.

(b)  Phone audio connection with computer to view meeting: Select the “raised hand” icon.  When you are called on to speak, dial *6 to unmute and please identify yourself.

(c)  Phone audio connection only: Press *9. Wait for the clerk to unmute your phone and then identify yourself and provide your comment.  Press *9 to end the call. 


Submit Written Comments


If you are unable to participate via telephone or computer to present oral comments, you may also submit your comments by e-mailing them to with one of the following subject lines "PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM #" (insert the item number relevant to your comment) or “PUBLIC COMMENT – ORAL COMMUNICATIONS".  Comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on May 17, 2021. Comments submitted by noon will be provided to the Board of Directors and compiled as part of the record of the meeting.
