
Consider Adoption of District Strategic Goals and Objectives for 2025


Meeting Date:

March 17, 2025





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.


SUMMARY: The Board met on February 28th in a public meeting workshop setting at Asilomar conference center, where strategic goals were discussed.  The meeting was facilitated by the General Manager, General Counsel, and the Board Clerk.


The Board undertook the following:


·         Reviewed the goal-setting process; Definitions of “goal” v “objective”; Reviewed the “SMART” criteria for objectives (“SMART”: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time).


·         Reviewed and summarized recent year goals.


·         Directors anonymously identified “Top 3” goals for calendar year, “Top 2” longer-term goals; Results were compiled and posted.


·         Discussion ensued – Key Questions:

a.       Do we think similarly or are there differences?

b.      What’s missing? Too many?

c.       What should be long-term versus near-term?

d.      Can we rank priority?


·         Objectives were developed making sure there is no duplication of goals and objectives; objectives are clear and meet the SMART criteria; and objectives are properly aligned with goals.


·         The Directors agreed to goals for the District to focus on; Directors agreed to some objectives under each goal that are appropriate and have realistic timelines.


·         The General Manager was asked to clean up the list of agreed upon goals and objectives and prepare an exhibit for subsequent Board adoption.


Exhibit 9-A summarizes the recommended Strategic Goals and Objectives for 2025.



9-A      Recommended Strategic Goals and Objectives for 2025


U:\staff\Boardpacket\2025\031725\Action Items\09\Item-9.docx