2. |
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds To Conduct
Survey of |
Date: |
August 9, 2007 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
David A.
Berger |
Program/ |
Protection |
Manager |
Line Item
No.: 2-2-3 |
By: |
Hampson |
Estimate: |
$30,000 |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on August 9, 2007 and recommended ___________. |
CEQA Compliance:
N/A |
SUMMARY: Staff proposes
to contract with Graham Matthews & Associates to conduct a survey of the
long profile and selected cross-sections in the channel of the
Graham Matthews & Associates will set
additional survey control at three locations, gather detailed ground elevation
data along the profile of the channel and at selected cross-sections, conduct
pebble counts, and compile data for comparison with similar information data
gathered in the past (see Exhibit 2-A,
Scope of Work). This data will be
used to maintain a long-term record and to compare with past and future
monitoring data. Comparisons of repeated
surveys carried out over long periods can yield information about the long-term
rate of aggradation (sediment build-up in the channel) or degradation (loss of
sediment from the channel), effects of restoration projects along the river,
and can inform decisions about infrastructure maintenance and repairs and
proposed restoration projects. Graham
Matthews and Associates has a unique set of skills and experience in gathering
this type of data along the
the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Graham Matthews & Associates for a
not-to-exceed amount of $30,000 to conduct a survey of the
STAFF/RESOURCES: Funds for these
expenditures are included in the FY 2007-2008 budget under Project Expenses for
Program 2-3-3 (
BACKGROUND: Most of the riverbed and streambanks along
the alluvial section (the lower 15.5 miles) of the
Because the river bottom changes in response to the amount of sediment that flows through it, an important aspect of managing this portion of the riparian corridor is long-term monitoring and documentation of changes in the elevation and width of the river bottom. Gravel mining, main stem reservoirs, and streambank armoring have contributed to a sediment-starved condition in the river channel downstream of Los Padres Dam, which is located at approximately River Mile (RM, measured from the ocean) 25. A chronic lack of sediment from the upper watershed has been a factor in channel incision, streambank instability, infrastructure damage, loss of property, and episodes of bank erosion downstream of Los Padres Dam over the past several decades.
One result of this condition is that in-channel supports for basic infrastructure (bridges with roads and utilities) have been undermined and compromised at several locations. In addition, there are areas along the river where scour at the base of slope protection installed to prevent bank erosion has caused bank slumping and/or the protection appears to be at risk of failure during high flows.
Pebble counts are useful in monitoring changes in the grain size distribution of sediment flowing through the river. This information is used by fisheries biologists in assessing the quality of habitat for steelhead spawning, by sediment transport experts in modeling the flow of sediment, and in flood analysis simulations. Additional background information is contained in Exhibit 2-A, Scope of Work.