3. |
Date: |
June 8,
2009 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
Darby Fuerst, |
Program/ |
2-8-1 and 2-8-5 |
General Manager |
Line Item
No.: |
By: |
Henrietta Stern |
Estimate: |
$35,000 |
Counsel Approval: N/A |
Recommendation: The Administrative
Committee reviewed this item on June 8, 2009 and recommended _______________________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: The Board will consider authorizing the General Manager to amend an existing contract with Golden State Planning and Environmental Consulting (GSPEC) to authorize a maximum of $35,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009-2010 (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010) to continue to help District staff carry out MPWMD Rules and Regulations governing Water Distribution Systems (WDS). The $35,000 limit would be allocated in two parts, which would be tracked separately in each monthly invoice as follows:
Ø Program 2-8-1, “Permit processing assistance,” with up to $20,000 as 100% reimbursable from applicants; and
Ø Program 2-8-5, “Permit process streamlining and public outreach,” with up to $15,000 as non-reimbursable.
These funds are based on volume of work in the current fiscal year and anticipated tasks associated with permit process streamlining and outreach materials next year. Consultant assistance is needed to address the many WDS applications and Pre-Applications that are currently active (over 60 projects total as of June 1, 2009) in addition to anticipated projects that could be received next fiscal year. Presently 23 applicants have completed the Pre-Application step and received application materials from MPWMD, but have not yet submitted their formal Application package for processing. Also, the consultant will help the District continue to expand and improve its public and staff education program regarding water wells, with emphasis on the District website; create document templates for internal use; help integrate WDS well and permit information with the Water Demand Division comprehensive database project; and perform other related activities that lead to a more efficient, improved WDS permit process. Exhibit 3-A is the proposed scope of work and cost estimate from GSPEC for FY 2009-2010.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to amend the current District professional services contract with GSPEC for a not-to-exceed amount of $35,000 for FY 2009-2010, as described above. If this item is adopted along with the Consent Calendar, staff will execute a contract amendment with GSPEC for FY 2009-2010 in June 2009, so work will be uninterrupted when the new fiscal year begins on July 1, 2009.
BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: GSPEC was first retained in December 2006 to assist staff with WDS permit processing. All contract amounts are maximums; only actual hours of service are billed. Invoiced hours submitted by consultants for each applicant are reimbursed by the applicant before the applicant receives the signed WDS permit. It is noted that there has been no change in the hourly rate from last year.
IMPACT TO DISTRICT RESOURCES: Despite the economy, the number of WDS applications and Pre-Applications continue to be relatively steady due to increasing restrictions on the availability of California American Water supply for new construction and remodels. Consultant assistance is essential to help process permit applications, help develop District materials for staff and the public about the WDS process, perform research as needed, and carry out other tasks associated with WDS permit processing as directed.
GSPEC’s work is directed by the MPWMD Project Manager in consultation with the Planning & Engineering (P&E) Manager, Water Resources Division Manager, and General Manager. The contract is budgeted via the P&E Division. GSPEC’s work is also coordinated with the hydrogeologic reviews performed by Pueblo Water Resources (Program 2-8-2), which are part of each WDS application.
3-A GSPEC Scope of Work and Fee Schedule for FY 2009-2010