


Meeting Date:

August 7, 2006





David Berger,




General Manager





Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani




SUMMARY:   At the June 22, 2006 Board meeting the Board discussed development of a charge for a Community Advisory Committee.  The staff report reviewed by the Board is provided as Attachment 1. The outcome of the Board discussion is that the Public Outreach Committee was asked to meet with representatives of groups that indicated an interest in participating on a Community Advisory Committee (CAC), and discuss with them elements of a potential charge to the CAC.  The Board reasoned that the POC could ascertain from the discussion the scope of responsibility  prospective CAC members would be willing to assume.


Attached as Exhibit 23-B is the draft Charge to the MPWMD Community Advisory Committee that was discussed by the Board.  Consensus was not reached on the role and responsibilities of the committee.  Some of the issues to be considered are listed below.


1.      Primary Function and Process Sections:  Some Directors felt these sections should be expanded to include a review of water supply project alternatives and related issues.


2.      Composition and Structure Section:   There was support among the Directors to increase the number of organizations that would participate on the committee from 5 to 15, which reflects the number of groups that requested in writing to sit on the committee (see Exhibit 23-A).  The POC should decide how many organizations will participate on the committee; if that number can be expanded upon request; and if committee members must reside within the District boundaries.  Provided as Attachment 2 is a letter from the Monterey County Housing Authority requesting to participate on the CAC.  The Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association has also made a verbal request to participate on the CAC.


3.      Responsibilities of the Committee Section:  This section could be amended to agree with the Primary Function and Process sections, should they be modified.


RECOMMENDATION:   The POC should open up a discussion with the public interest groups in attendance regarding the proposed CAC that is focused on the issues listed above.  The POC should develop a charge to the CAC based on the discussion and present it for consideration by the Board of Directors at its August 21, 2006 meeting.



1          Staff Report from June 22, 2006 MPWMD Board Meeting Titled Report to Board on Community Interest in Participation on a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and Consider Approval of Committee Charge

2          July 24, 2006 Letter from Monterey County Housing Authority





