Water Demand Committee
October 10, 2003
Action Item 3-C: Review Ordinance No. 112, Amending District
Rule 24-C, Residential Expansions, and Adding Related Definitions to District
Rule 11
SUMMARY: The Board of Directors will consider the first reading of Ordinance No. 112 “Amending District Rule 24-C, Residential Expansion, and Adding Related Definitions to Rule 11” at the October 30, 2003 meeting. The proposed ordinance (Exhibit C-1) incorporates the recommendations of the Water Demand Committee from the July 24, 2003 meeting when the committee reviewed proposed edits to Table I: Residential Fixture Unit Count. A copy of the current Table I: Residential Fixture Unit Count is shown at Exhibit C-2.
In addition to the recommendations from the committee, staff has integrated into the ordinance the provisions of Resolution 2001-09 (attached as Exhibit C-3), the resolution that disallowed outdoor water credits and credits for multiple utility sinks. Definitions of water fixtures have also been clarified to better enable staff to perform their duties.
Revising the permit processes, including clarification of the Rules and Regulations administered by the Water Demand Division, is a high priority of the Board. This ordinance supports both the comprehensive revision to the Water Demand Division database and the compilation of a policies and procedures manual. Definitions for various water fixtures are a critical component to the preparation of the policies and procedures manual.
RECOMMENDATION: The Water Demand Committee should review the proposed ordinance and recommend approval to the Board. Draft Ordinance No. 112 is Categorically Exempt from CEQA as it clarifies existing rules and procedures. The ordinance is scheduled to have an effective date of January 1, 2004, if adopted on second reading November 24, 2003.