3. |
Meeting Date: |
24, 2011
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
Program/ |
N/A |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
Prepared By: |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel
Review: Documents have been reviewed by Counsel.
Committee Recommendation: Water Demand Committee recommended approval by
2-1 vote on February 4, 2011.
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: On January 27, 2011, the Board suspended the receipt and processing of Lawn Removal Rebate applications pending approval of program guidelines and the renewed availability of Rebate funds. Funding is available through a recent approval by the California Public Utilities Commission on February 8, 2011. Draft Guidelines have been prepared and reviewed by the Water Demand Committee. Following Board approval of the proposed Guidelines (attached to Resolution 2011-04, Exhibit 3-A), staff will amend Rule 141 to add similar language. The Guidelines are proposed for adoption by Resolution.
DISCUSSION: After the first full year of the Lawn Removal
Rebate program, it has become apparent that the program requires adjustment and
further clarification. Based on field
experiences and administration issues, and in consultation with other water
agencies with Lawn Rebate Programs, a set of Guidelines
for the Monterey Rebate Program were developed, along with a new Lawn Removal
Rebate application (Exhibit 3-B). The Guidelines and application were reviewed
by the Water Demand Committee at the February 4, 2011 meeting. Recommended edits by the committee have been
The proposed Lawn Removal Rebate Guidelines provide clear and concise steps to obtain a Lawn Replacement Rebate. As an example, a requirement that the applicant provide the two most recent years of water records to demonstrate cyclical water use is being added by Resolution 2011-04. This action is necessary to pre-screen applications to determine that water savings will be achieved. The Guidelines also add a minimal amount of Lawn that must be removed, clarify that Lawn cannot be relocated elsewhere on the Site, and specify that overhead irrigation is not allowed in the refurbished Landscape. The Guidelines clearly outline the steps to be taken before the application is prequalified, at which time the District schedules a pre-inspection. Once a property is prequalified and has had a pre-inspection, the 120-day period to complete the application begins.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board should adopt Resolution 2011-04, approving Guidelines for the Lawn Removal Rebate Program.
BACKGROUND: The Lawn Removal Rebate went into effect January 1, 2010. Eligible applicants may receive up to $1.25/square-foot for removing and replacing up to 5,000 square-feet of Lawn with low water use plants or permeable surfaces. During the first twelve months of the program (January-December 2010), 77 applications totaling $130,500 were approved for removal of almost three acres of Lawn with estimated savings of about 11 acre-feet each year. Lawn Removal Rebates are deed restricted for 15 years, ensuring continuing water savings over a significant period of time.
IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES: The proposed guidelines will reduce the amount of staff time spent processing Lawn removal Rebates that eventually do not follow through with an application or that do not meet the required timelines. The requirement for water records as part of the screening process will provide additional evidence of the water savings potential of the program.
3-A Resolution 2011-04 and Lawn
Replacement Rebate Guidelines
3-B Lawn Replacement Rebate Application